Category Archive for "Lent"

Southpoint News February 24, 2018

Remember, we’re meeting in Gathering groups: it’s an All Out Sunday! Beloved Is Where We Begin “If you would enter into the…

Southpoint News Febuary 14, 2018

February 25th is an All Out Sunday! There will be no service in the Sunnyside Church building. Love Unveiled “God wants nothing…

Southpoint News April 7, 2017

Patterns of Holy Week At Southpoint, our celebration of Easter really begins on Palm Sunday. As a church, we gather outside, under…

Southpoint News March 30, 2017

Repeating Patterns We all have repeating patterns in the way we think, feel, and act. Some of these patterns lead to well-being, wholeness,…

Southpoint News March 9, 2017

Unfamiliar Territory Someone said to me after church on Sunday, “There can’t be too many churches in Canada using the enneagram for…

Southpoint News March 3, 2017

Travelling the Lenten Way Ash Wednesday snuck up on me this year.  Maybe it is because it fell on the same date…

Be Still and Acknowledge that I am God

“Be still and acknowledge that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).  These are words to take with us in our busy lives.  We…

Lenten Journey – …that we might die with him.

John 11:1-27 My list of biblical personalities that “get-a-bad-rap-but-maybe-shouldn’t” is growing. Thomas has been on there a while. The fact that his…

First Sunday of Lent: Thoughts on Matthew 4:1-11

If Jesus was–as Christians believe –both fully man and fully God, he too had to battle with the false self… M. Basil…

The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins by Richard Lischer Every year we enter Lent as on a journey that begins with Jesus’ own sojourn in…