Category Archive for "Church"

All Out Sunday – June 18th – No Service

A reminder that this Sunday we will not be meeting at Sunnyside Church. Instead, we will be connecting with our Gathering Groups. If…

No Service Sunday, July 24

In lieu of a Sunday service this week, we will be meeting in our Community Gatherings. If you don’t know who your Community…

No Service Sunday June 5

In lieu of a Sunday service this week, we will be gathering in each other’s homes in smaller circles. Your host family…

All Out Sunday: Aug 2, 2015

This Sunday, August 2nd, will be an ALL-OUT Service. Here are some details for the service to be held at A Rocha…

Joint Service with Sunnyside: Sunday, June 21

This Sunday come join our JOINT SERVICE with Sunnyside followed by a celebratory HOTDOG ROAST! Church will begin @ 10:30 Hotdog potluck @…

New Year…New Space…New Beginnings

This Sunday, the community of the Church @ Southpoint will begin meeting for worship in a new worship space: Sunnyside Church at…

Deep Calls to Deep

When I was growing up, I lived out the hot sunny days of summer at the pool with my friends. Every morning…

Living the Vision – Word Made Flesh

Sunday, Oct. 21 -  New series begins called “LIVING THE VISION.” Anne will introduce this with a talk entitled “Word Made Flesh.”…

Living Into The Vision – Table, Well, Seed and Net – 4 Foundational Images

During September, we are looking at the 4 images chosen to shape us and express our vision — table well, seed, and…

  August 12th: “The Good Fruit: Service”  Over the summer, we are focusing our talks around the fruits  that grow in a…