Category Archive for "Coffee House"

Under Construction

If you’ve ever visted a website and been greeted with this image, then you know the feeling of looking for something, wanting…

A home for small ritual coffee

Just in case you haven’t already heard, we have a location for our new community coffee house!  Our three month search of…

Logo Revealed!

Pete and the small ritual transition team opted for a unique approach for logo selection. They chose this logo together with input…


Stay tuned….


Thanks to the Hardy House (and especially the fine cooking skills of Katie Adams and the dessert making ability of Louise and…


Believe it or not, many moons ago, I raced mountain bikes. For two seasons. This was before the sport had much acclaim…

TOF Says Yes!

The Trinity Opportunity Fund has approved a one year grant for our coffee house project! The Southpoint Leadership Team will meet this…

Whats in a name?

They say that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.  We’ve all heard this Romeo & Juliet phrase used…

Coffee House – Stage Two!

After 12 prayer meetings, 9 web posts, 4 church letters, 5 home visits, 7 sermons, 3 lunches, 4 special meetings and endless…

Coffee House Conversation

Our Community Coffee House proposal was circulated on Sunday and copies are available if you email . Next step – meet at…